




  1. Kakuda W, Momosaki R, Yamada N, Abo M: High-frequency rTMS for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome: a case series. Intern Med 2016; 55: 3515-3519.
  2. Kakuda W, Abo M, Sasanuma J, Shimizu M, Okamoto T, Kimura C, Kakita K, Hara H: Combined protocol of low-frequency rTMS and intensive occupational therapy for post-stroke upper limb hemiparesis: A 6-year experience of more than 1,700 Japanese patients. Translational Stroke Research 2016; 7: 172-179.
  3. Nakayama Y, Kakuda W, Abo M: Improvement of home-based training using a slant board with the ankles dorsiflexed on walking function in post-stroke hemiparetic patients. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016; 28: 2353-2357.
  4. Momosaki R, Kinoshita S, Kakuda W, Yamada N, Abo M: Noninvasive brain stimulation for dysphagia after acquired brain injury: a systematic review. Journal of Medical Investigation 2016; 63: 153-158.
  5. Momosaki R, Kakuda W, Yamada N, Abo M: Influence of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation on neural plasticity in the motor cortex related to swallowing. Int J Rehabil Res 2016; 39: 263-266.
  6. Momosaki R, Kakuda W, Abo M: Very early versus delayed rehabilitation for acute ischemic stroke patients with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: a nationwide retrospective cohort study. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2016; 42 (1-2): 41-48.
  7. Momosaki R, Kakuda W, Yamada N, Abo M: Impact of board-certificated physiatrists on rehabilitation outcomes in elderly patients after hip fracture: an observational study using the Japan Rehabilitation Database. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2016; 16: 963-968.
  8. Niimi M, Hashimoto K, Kakuda W, Miyano S, Momosaki R, Ishima T, Abo M: Role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in beneficial effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for upper limb hemiparesis after stroke. PLoS One 2016; 11(3): e0152241.
  9. Kinoshita S, Abo M, Miyamura K, Okamoto T, Kakuda W, Kimura I, Urabe H: Validation of the "activity and participation" component in ICF core sets for stroke patients in Japanese rehabilitation wards. J Rehabil Med 2016; 48: 764-768.
  10. Kinoshita S, Kakuda W, Momosaki R, Yamada N, Sugawara H, Watanabe S, Abo M: Clinical management provided by board-certificated physiatrists in early rehabilitation is a significant determinant of functional improvement in acute stroke patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2015; 24: 1019-1024.


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  2. 角田亘, 安保雅博: 脳卒中後遺症に対する経頭蓋磁気刺激. 脳卒中2016; 38: 340-345.
  3. 角田亘, 安保雅博: 実践NEURO 脳卒中集中リハ・レポート NEUROとTMSのこれから~患者様のさらなる回復を願って~. Modern Physician 2016; 36: 493-497.
  4. 角田亘, 安保雅博: 実践NEURO 脳卒中集中リハ・レポート NEUROで行う、上肢OTの考え方とその実際. Modern Physician 2016; 36: 275-278.
  5. 角田亘, 安保雅博: 実践NEURO 脳卒中集中リハ・レポート 下肢麻痺に対するTMS. Modern Physician 2016; 36: 181-184.
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  7. 角田亘, 持尾健二郎, 百崎良, 山田尚基, 中山恭秀, 古田希, 芝田貴裕, 渡邉修, 安保雅博: 当院における、電子カルテを用いた入院関連機能障害予防システム(HPS)の先駆的導入~"忘れられている"院内合併症に対する組織的な取り組み~. 医療の質・安全学会誌 2015; 10: 409-417.
  8. 角田亘, 安保雅博: 最近の臨床神経生理学 中枢神経における治療への応用. 総合リハビリテーション2015; 43: 735-741.
  9. 角田亘, 安保雅博: リハビリテーションに直結する先進医学~現状と課題. 総合リハビリテーション2014; 42: 389-393.
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  1. Abo M, Kakuda W: Rehabilitation with rTMS. Springer, Switzerland, 2015.
  2. Kakuda W, Abo M: Combination treatment of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and intensive occupational therapy: a novel therapeutic approach for upper limb hemiparesis after stroke. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: methods, clinical uses and effects on the brain. Nova Science Publishers, INC., Hauppauge, NY, 2012; pp 159-175.
  3. Kakuda W, Abo M: Functional MRI-based strategy of therapeutic rTMS application: A novel approach for post-stroke aphasic patients. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2012; pp 245-258.
  4. Kakuda W, Shimizu T, Naritomi H: Hypothermia therapy: Future directions in research and clinical practice. Hypothermia and Cerebral Ischemia. Humana Press, Totowa, 2004; pp 161-177.
  5. 安保雅博, 角田亘: 脳卒中後遺症に対するrTMS治療とリハビリテーション. 金原出版, 東京, 2013.
  6. 安保雅博, 角田亘: 上肢痙縮に対するボツリヌス治療とリハビリテーション. 金原出版, 東京, 2012.
  7. 角田亘, 安保雅博: rTMSと半球間抑制. 理学療法MOOK19 ニューロリハと理学療法. 三輪 書店, 東京, 2016; pp 20-26.
  8. 角田亘: リハビリテーション診療 ADL障害. 最新リハビリテーション医学 第3版. 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2016; pp 38-45.
  9. 角田亘: 障害の病態生理と評価・治療 運動障害. 最新リハビリテーション医学 第3版. 医歯薬出版, 東京, 2016; pp 94-102.
  10. 角田亘, 安保雅博: 脳卒中のリハビリテーション. 見て知るリハビリテーション医学. 丸善出版, 東京, 2016; pp 124-133.