



岡 孝和

教授 岡 孝和

  • 専門分野
    • 心療内科学、心身医学、精神・神経・免疫学、東洋医学
  • 研究テーマ
    • 心身症、ストレス関連疾患、特に心因性発熱と慢性疲労症候群の機序解明と治療法に関する研究。伝統医学(漢方治療、ヨガ)と現代医学の融合。
  • 研究実績


    1. Oka T: Stress-induced hyperthermia and hypothermia. In: Romanovsky AA (ed):
      Handb Clin Neurol 2018, 157:599-621.
    2. Hori T, Katafuchi T, Oka T:Central cytokines: Effects on peripheral immunity, inflammation, and nociception.In: Ader R, Felten DL, Cohen N (ed):
      Psychoneuroimmunology (Third edition). Vol. 1, pp517-545, Academic Press, New York, 2000.
    3. Hori T, Oka T, Hosoi M, Abe M, Oka K: Biphasic modulation of hypothalamic cytokines on nociception.In:
      Saade NE, Apkarian AV, Jabbur SJ (ed): Pain and Neuroimmune interaction. pp171-189, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000.
    4. Oka T, Hori T: Brain cytokines and Pain.In: Mayer SF, Watkins LR (ed): Cytokines and Pain. pp183-203, Birkhauser Verlag AG,Basal, 1999.

    1. Oka T, Tanahashi T, Lkhagvasuren B, Yamada Y: The longitudinal effects of seated isometric yoga on blood biomarkers, autonomic functions, and psychological parameters of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study. Biopsychosoc Med 2019, 13:28.
    2. Takakura S, Oka T, Sudo N: Changes in circulating microRNA after recumbent isometric yoga practice by patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: an explorative pilot study. Biopsychosoc Med 2019, 13:29.
    3. Yamada Y, Fujimori M, Shirai Y, Ninomiya H, Oka T, Uchitomi Y: Changes in Physicians' Intrapersonal Empathy After a Communication Skills Training in Japan. Acad Med 2018, 93(12):1821-1826.
    4. Oka T, Tanahashi T, Sudo N, Lkhagvasuren B, Yamada Y: Changes in fatigue, autonomic functions, and blood biomarkers due to sitting isometric yoga in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Biopsychosoc Med 2018, 12:3.
    5. Oka T, Wakita H, Kimura K: Development of a recumbent isometric yoga program for patients with severe chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: A pilot study to assess feasibility and efficacy. Biopsychosoc Med 2017, 11:5.
    6. Lkhagvasuren B, Oka T: The histaminergic system is involved in psychological stress-induced hyperthermia in rats. Physiol Rep 2017, 5(8).
    7. Oka T: Psychogenic fever: how psychological stress affects body temperature in the clinical population. Temperature 2015, 2(3):368-378.
    8. Oka T, Oka K, Hori T: Mechanisms and mediators of psychological stress-induced rise in core temperature. Psychosom Med 2001, 63(3):476-486.
  • 学位・学歴
    • 広島大学卒
    • 九州大学大学院博士(医学)
  • 職歴・学会
    • 前九州大学大学院医学研究院心身医学分野准教授、元産業医科大学病院メンタルヘルスセンター副部長
    • 日本心身医学会認定研修指導医・心身医療「内科」専門医、日本東洋医学会認定漢方専門医