


業績 2017年


  1. Kiuchi T, Ishii N, Tani Y, Masaoka K, Suzuki A, Kishi K: The Optimal Color of Background Sheets for Microsurgery. Arch Plast Surg. 44(2): 175-176, 2017
  2. Ishii N, Takemaru M, Kishi K: Firmly fixed dressing with tie-over: a useful technique to reduce postoperative hematoma formation for surgical wound of the scalp. Int J Dermatol. 56(5): e92-e93, 2017
  3. Sasaki K, Ohshiro T, Ohshiro T, Sakio R, Fukazawa E, Toriumi M, Ebihara T: Type 2 Minocycline-induced hyperpigmentation successfully treated with the novel 755 nm picosecond alexandrite laser - a case report. Laser Ther. 26(2): 137-144, 2017
  4. Ishii N, Oji T, Kishi K: Surgery requiring detailed preoperative simulation and scar de-epithelialization to repair severe postoperative scarring from gastroschisis. Arch Plast Surg. 44(4): 337-339, 2017
  5. Ishii N, Ando J, Harao M, Takemae M, Kishi K: A simple and practical method for setting up a criterion of projection of silicone breast implant after simple mastectomy. Eplasty. 17: e22, 2017
  6. Ishii N, Ando J, Harao M, Takemae M, Kishi K: A new criterion for the application of two-stage implant-only breast reconstruction using a classification based on the rostrocaudal distance along the chest wall between the lowest point of the breast and inframammary fold. Eplasty. 17: e23, 2017
  7. Ishii N, Sakai S, Kishi K: Salvage operation using the free latissimus dorsi muscle flap for necrosis of the free scapular flap after harvesting both flaps in a chimeric pattern. Eplasty. 17: ic22, 2017
  8. Ishii N, Aoki M, Kishi K: Lymphedema of the lower extremities due to refractory malignant lymphoma adequately treated by lymphaticovenous anastomosis. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 5(8): e1475, 2017
  9. Ishii N, Ando J, Harao M, Takemae M, Kishi K: Decreased contralateral breast volume after mastectomy, adjuvant chemotherapy, and anti-estrogen therapy, in particular in breasts with high density. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 70(10): 1363-1368, 2017
  10. Ishii N, Sakai S, Kishi K: A Simple and Safe Method to Create a Drainage Hole for Thick Skin Grafts. Eplasty. 17: ic27, 2017
  11. Ishii N, Shimizu Y, Oji T, Kishi K: Modified Dufourmentel flap with superior pedicle: a useful technique for sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 51(6): 453-457, 2017
  12. Ishii N, Ando J, Harao M, Takemae M: Breast reconstruction of an unusual configuration using two paranemic implants. Gland Surg. 6(6): 729-732, 2017


  1. 谷本 慧子, 小林 佑介, 岡 愛子, 沖山 愛, 和田 美智子, 樋野 牧子, 服部 純尚, 倉橋 崇, 大原 博敏, 中川 博之: 当科で経験した卵巣癌術後断端再発の治療中に発症したフルニエ壊疽(壊死性筋膜炎)の1例. 埼玉産科婦人科学会雑誌. 47: 32-35, 2017
  2. 大城貴史, 大城俊夫, 佐々木克己, 鳥海正博, 貴志和生: 【顔面瘢痕の治療】 レーザー治療. 形成外科. 60(3): 313-322, 2017
  3. 木内智喜, 岡部圭介, 坂本好昭, 崎尾怜子, 西紋まり, 貴志和生: 神経線維腫切除時の止血困難例の検討. 日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌. 8(1): 46-49, 2017
  4. 谷裕美子, 石井直弘, 木内智喜, 鈴木彩馨, 貴志和生: 外傷性下腿軟部組織欠損3症例の治療経験. 日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌. 30(3): 143-148, 2017
  5. 難波大輔, 松崎恭一: 重症下肢虚血における表皮角化幹細胞のクローナル・コンバージョンに関する研究への取り組み. 形成外科. 60(11): 1264-1274, 2017
  6. 土屋 賢吾, 高田 圭以子, 大原 博敏, 関塚 永一: 背部巨大蜂窩織炎に対し、創内持続陰圧洗浄療法、局所陰圧閉鎖療法、皮弁形成術、縫合創陰圧療法を行い治療した1例. 埼玉県医学会雑誌. 52: 234-237, 2017