

Department of Ophthalmology

診療概要 Clinical overview



緑内障は点眼治療が中心ですが、後手に回らないように、状況に応じて濾過手術も積極的に行なっています。SLTやcyclo G6などのレーザー治療も導入しており、治療の選択肢を広げることで、患者さんのニーズに合わせた最適最良の治療法を提案しています。また難治性緑内障に対してチューブシャント手術を行なっており、良好な成績を収めています。




As a university hospital open to the community, the Department of Ophthalmology at Narita Hospital is committed to provide the highest standard of ophthalmic care to patients suffering from ocular diseases. Experienced doctors are enrolled even in intractable cases, and we can handle almost all diseases in ophthalmology. We are also bale to perform almost all surgical procedures in ophthalmology.

For cataract, which has the largest number of ophthalmic surgeries, we have introduced the latest ultrasound equipment and mainly perform small incision surgery. We also have the latest intraocular lenses, and you can choose from multifocal lenses, bifocals, and monofocals according to your needs. Experienced surgeons can handle challenging cases of cataract, such as mature cataract, narrow angle eyes, and zonal fragile eyes.

Glaucoma is mainly treated with eye drops, but we also actively perform filtration surgery depending on the situation so that it does not go backwards. We have also introduced laser treatments such as SLT and cyclo G6, and by expanding treatment options, we are proposing the best and most suitable treatment that meets the patient's needs. I have also performed tube shunt surgery for intractable glaucoma with good results.

For vitreoretinal diseases, we have introduced the latest 25-gauge and 27-gauge system vitreous surgery to treat various vitreoretinal diseases such as vitreous hemorrhage, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, macular hole, and epiretinal membrane. Retinal detachment is a serious disease with high urgency, but in order to prevent re-detachment, we carefully considered surgical options, including buckle surgery, and achieved good results.

Corneal transplantation involves not only full-thickness transplantation, but also lamellar transplantation such as deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and corneal endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK and DMEK). We are an accredited facility for amniotic membrane transplantation, which can be performed in cases of recurrent pterygium, persistent epithelial defect, and corneal perforation. In addition, we are certified as a facility that can perform ocular surface reconstruction using regenerative medicine products such as cultivated autologous oral mucosal epithelial cells transplantation and cultivated autologous limbal epithelial cells transplantation, and we practice cutting-edge corneal treatment.

We also focus on lacrimal duct diseases, ocular tumors, and eyelid diseases. We have introduced a lacrimal endoscope, and have also performed surgical treatment for nasolacrimal duct obstruction and refractory dacryocystitis, with good results. We also specialize in treating eyelid ptosis and eyelid entropion.